FB Big Player |
Account format is as follows:
Account ID | Password | Google 2FA | Email | Email Password
First, log in to facebook.com using the Account ID and password.
Then, open 2fa.live and enter the Google 2fa. After submission, you will receive a 6-digit verification code.
Go back to the Facebook login page and enter the verification code to successfully log in.
Telegram Customer Service: https://t.me/fb1point3acres
The maximum single transaction limit is 1000. If you need more, please purchase in batches.
Please purchase a small amount for testing. If it is not suitable for you, don’t buy it.
Can't change country,currency info,timezone info
The account configuration is: cold account + 1 ad 250$ limit spend
It is recommended to reauthorize the account to another operating account before advertising to prevent the account from being restricted.
Not Warranty add card die
Account ID | Password | Google 2FA | Email | Email Password
First, log in to m.facebook.com using the Account ID and password.
Then, open g2fa.live and enter the Google 2fa. After submission, you will receive a 6-digit verification code.
Go back to the Facebook login page and enter the verification code to successfully log in.